External Resorption Using 2.75mm Implants
Present Situation
The patient presented with the diagnosis of external resorption in the lower anterior mandible. Due to the very thin ridge of bone treatment planning options included onlay block grafting with the disadvantages of a second surgical site, co-morbidities and technique sensitive surgical procedures.
The traditional prosthetic dental options of lower partial denture and fixed bridge were alternatives that were less than desirable for the patient.
Clinical Solution
In this case, the ultranarrow platform Adin Touareg Closefit 2.75mm diameter implants were treatment planned for guided surgery with 360Imaging.
Surgical guides were fabricated and the affected teeth were extracted as atraumatically as possible. Particulate bone grafts were placed with aPRF and iPRF and 3 Adin Touareg Closefit 2.75mm implants were immediately placed with cover screws.
After 4 months of healing, the site was uncovered, healing abutments placed for tissue contouring and an open tray impression taken with Impregum.
Three splinted screw retained crowns were secured in place and the lingual screw accesses were covered with PTFE tape and resin.
What’s the difference in implant planning and surgical placement between a wide ridge and an ultra-thin ridge? Nothing! With Adin guided surgery and 360Imaging surgical guides, the Ultra-Narrow Platform 2.75mm conical connection Touareg implant is just as predictable to place in a ultra-narrow ridge as a 5.0mm implant in a wide ridge.
Without the predictability and ease of guided surgery, treatment planning for a narrow ridge would include the options of onlay block grafting and delayed implant placement, partial denture or fixed bridge.
With the 2.75mm implant this case can be accomplished by straight-forward immediate implant placement.
Guided surgery is the great equalizer and effectively allows complex implant procedures to be as predictable and stress-free as simple implant placements.
Whether you are an experienced clinician or in the early stages of practice, 3D imaging and guided implant surgery allows the clinician to carefully analyze the patient’s anatomical condition, occlusal scheme and bone morphology when pre-planning the implant surgery in software.
Transferring the surgical plan to the patient with the use of 3D printed surgical guides permits the day of surgery to be as stress-free and predictable as possible.
With clinical decisions premade based upon the pre-op x-ray, you have the reassurance to know that your implant will be placed in the best possible position and orientation for the patient.